
The ReadyMode-IQ portal enables administrators to manage ReadyMode DID features through one user-friendly interface.

The two main modules in ReadyMode-IQ are the DID Reputation module and the Call Cadence (Playlists) module. Your business may have access to both or only one of these modules.

Here we will explore the Call Cadence (Playlists) module.

About Call Cadence (Playlists)

Call Cadence playlists make DID call management “smarter” and add the capability for client administrators to be able to specify the behavior of cadences for playlists. This behavior is defined largely by custom rules that may override a configured default rule, and is driven by the number of call attempts made for a campaign (DID group). For example, rules allow administrators to define how many days after the previous drop another cadence is dropped.

Using custom rules, administrators can also specify whether the system should perform proximity matching, advanced AMD and voicemail drop functions for call attempts..

In order to use this feature, you must first define a cadence of pre-recorded messages in the ReadyMode Admin application and assign it to a playlist.

Note: Due to FTC regulations surrounding the use of pre-recorded voice, cadence and pre-recorded message functionality is not installed onto any CRM by default. Please contact your CSM or email [email protected] to inquire about having the features added.

What Can You Do in the Call Cadence (Playlists) Module?

       ●  Review your company’s playlists and create, modify, and delete rules.

Gateway and Administrator Requirements

Gateway Requirements

The following criteria are required at the gateway level to enable this functionality to work.

Please contact [email protected] to ensure you meet these criteria:

  • Active
  • Paying
  • Opted In

To check whether a user is active:

  1. Log in to the ReadyMode application as an Admin user.
  2. On the Dashboard page, go to the Manage section and select License Usage.
  3. All active users are listed in the Users section.

Admin User Requirements

  • Active
  • Must have Manage VOIP permission

To configure the Manage VOIP permission:

  1. Log in to ReadyMode as an Admin user.
  2. On the User Management page, in the Admin section, select your username.
  3. Go to the Inherited from "Default" section at the right side of the page.
  4. In the Communication section, make sure that Manage VOIP is checked (selected).


If you need further assistance, please contact our Technical Support team at:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 1-800-694-1049

Logging In and Logging Out

Logging In

Accessing the Login Page

There are two ways to get to the Login page:

  1. Enter the direct link in your browser:
  2. On the Apps Grid page, click on the DID Reputation icon.

Entering Credentials

To log in, enter your assigned credentials (1) - Gateway, Username and Password - correctly and then click on the Sign In button (2). All three fields are mandatory and case-sensitive.

Tip: Toggle the Eye icon to view or hide your password.

Correct-log-in image

Login Error Scenarios

The app will display an error message if you enter your credentials incorrectly, for example:

  • Entering an incorrect Gateway, Username or Password
  • Omitting one or more of the three login fields


If you need further assistance, please contact our Technical Support team at:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 1-800-694-1049

There are direct links to ReadyMode support at the bottom left of the Login page.

help- links

Logging Out

At the top right of the portal page is a link to the Settings module.

To log out, go to the Settings module (1) and then click Logout (2). You will be redirected to the Login page.


Note: If there is no activity in the application for 24 hours, any new action in the application will automatically log you out and redirect you to the Login page.

Navigating the ReadyMode-IQ Portal

There are two main modules in ReadyMode-IQ. They can be navigated using the Menu buttons on the left of the portal page:

  1. DID Reputation module (default)
  2. Call Cadence (Playlists) module

Note: You may have access to both or only one of these modules.


At the top right of the portal page is a link to the Settings module. Here you can change the theme for the portal. There are also links to log out and to view the ReadyMode-IQ knowledge base.

Click Settings to change the theme from light to dark and vice versa.

Below is an example of the dark theme.

Below is an example of the light theme.

Navigating the Call Cadence (Playlists) Module

Note: You can use your browser zoom in (+) or zoom (-) function to resize the screen.

Playlists Pane

All the playlists from the legacy application will be displayed in the left pane on the Call Cadence page in the order they appeared in the legacy application. The default rule will therefore always be the same as it was in the legacy application.


Main Pane

At the top of the Main pane is the Insights section. Underneath the Insights section is the Rules section.

Insights Section

There are four charts in the Insights section.

  • Calls chart - Total number of calls made by the predictive dialer during a given day for the selected playlist.
  • Answered (%) chart - Total percentage of answered calls by both humans and answering machines during a given day for the selected playlist.
  • Human Answered (%) chart - Total percentage of human-answered calls during a given day for the selected campaign.
  • Calls to Connect chart - Total number of calls that needs to be made by the predictive dialer to be able to successfully connect to an agent during a given day for the selected playlist.

Rules Section

There are two sections in the Rules section.

  1. Default rule
  2. Custom rules table

Important note: Custom rules, if set, always override the default rule.

Administrators should define a default rule (1) first and then add custom rules (2).

To create a new rule, click +Add Rule at the top right of the page. After creating or modifying a rule, the Save button at the bottom of the page will become active. (The maximum number of custom rules is 10.)


Default Rule

Default Rule Parameters

  • DID Group default - Default to campaign, which is the default typically configured in the legacy application.
    • Dropdown selection: Lists all campaigns from the legacy application.

Administrators can configure the playlist to use a particular campaign.

  • Proximity Matching default - Default to system, which is the default typically configured in the legacy application.
    • Dropdown selection: Can be updated to Yes or No, specifying whether or not to use proximity matching.
  • Autopilot - Can be switched On or Off (default). If switched On, the application will only use clean DIDs (phone numbers) that are not flagged by any carriers.
  • Advanced AMD (Advanced Machine Detection) default - Default to queue is most commonly used.
    • Dropdown selection:

■    Disabled - Disables AMD (Important note: AMD is REQUIRED for voicemail drop).

■    Quick - Current default for customers in the legacy application and can be selected instead of the other options.

                                    ■ Rigorous - Has a different, more “rigorous”, logic for detecting AMD.

  • Voicemail Drop - Can be switched On or Off. If switched On, allows a voicemail to be left on a person’s phone. You may deactivate this feature (Off) if you wish to suspend the dropping of voicemails for some reason, e.g. for a particular DID group.

Custom Rules Table

Most of the parameters for custom rules have the same definition as for the default rule, i.e. DID Group, Proximity Matching, Advanced AMD and Voicemail Drop. Additional parameters for custom rules are Call Attempt From and Call Attempt To.

How do custom rules work?

Call attempts are calls made by predictive dialers. An administrator can set rules for a playlist for specific call attempts. These custom rules will override the default rule.

Custom Rule Parameters

  • Call Attempt To can be the same value or greater than Call Attempt From.
  • The values for Call Attempt From and Call Attempt To should be unique per custom rule and should not overlap.
  • To set a custom rule for a first call attempt, Call Attempt From must be set to 1.
  • Where Call Attempt From is set to 2, the first call attempt will use the default rule as it was not configured. For instance, if Call Attempt From is 2 and Call Attempt To is 5, the first call attempt will use the default rule and call attempts 2 to 5 will use the custom rule.
  • An administrator can leave Call Attempt To blank or (-), indicating the value is anything above the corresponding Call Attempt From.
    • Wherever Call Attempt From is blank or a hyphen (-), the rule is considered the last rule to apply regardless of row position.

○    Call Attempt From and Call Attempt To logic should always start from the lowest integer to the largest unless a blank Call Attempt To was defined.

  • Gaps for call attempts between rules are allowed - these rules will use the configuration for the default rule.

Custom Rule Examples

Custom versus default rules for first call attempts

If you wish to use the default rule for the first call attempt, Call Attempt From must be set to 1. In the below example, both the first and fourth call attempt will use the configured custom rule.

If you wish to set a custom rule for the second call attempt, Call Attempt From must be set to 2. In the below example, the first call attempt will use the default rule while the second attempt configured row (1) and the fourth call attempt will use the custom rule for the configured row (2).

Gaps between calls

Rules may be set up that define a gap between call attempts where custom rules are not applied. In the below example, the default rule will be used for call attempts 6 and 7.

Note: The first call attempt will also use the default rule as the first call attempt to use a custom rule in this example is configured as 2.

Same Call Attempt Values

Rules may be set up to only use customer rules for a specific call attempt and the rest of the call attempts will fall under the default rule. In the below example, the custom rule will be used only for call attempt 3.

UI Elements and Functions for Rules

Custom Rules Buttons

  • Delete/Remove button - Delete the specific row for the selected custom rule
  • Duplicate Row button - The custom rule is duplicated and added just below the custom rule where the Duplicate Row button was selected (This is different from the Add Rule button where the function adds a custom rule at the bottom of the table with values for Default Rules)
  • Add Rule button - Adds a new custom rule just below the custom rule where the add button was selected with similar Default Rules values

Saving Changes Made to Rules or Reverting

Save button - Administrators are able to click on the Save button which will trigger the validation of required fields and display error messages, where relevant (they are not given the option to cancel the action once selected).

Revert button - Administrators are able to click on the Revert button to cancel any user action that was done prior to any saving process. This will just cancel all the changes and will lose any inputs or selection that was done on the whole page/screen.

Note: Administrators are able to confirm whether to proceed to revert or cancel the revert user action:

Navigating Away From a Page

Administrators are able to navigate away from the current page/display and select other playlist menu options in the application without any warning prompts if there are no unsaved configurations.

However, if the administrator has made any configuration changes, they will see a warning prompt “Are you sure you want to leave this page? You will lose all unsaved changes.”

  • Select the Leave this page button to continue the navigation away action and will lose any unsaved changes.
  • Select the Stay on this page button to stay on the current page or playlist to continue any user action.

Error Alerts

The Call Cadence (Playlists) module will alert you to errors when you create or modify rules.

If the properties you assign to a scenario are incorrect, an Error icon will be displayed. Click on the icon to view information about the error.


In the below example, the system is alerting you that Voicemail Drops cannot be turned on if AMD is disabled.



Click on the Help icon at the top right of the Home page to go to the ReadyMode Help Center.


Alternatively, on the Apps Grid page, click on the ReadyMode Help Center icon