
The ReadyMode IQ portal enables administrators to manage ReadyMode DID features through one user-friendly interface.

The two main modules in ReadyMode IQ are the DID Reputation module and the Call Cadence module. Your business may have access to both or only one of these modules.

Here we will explore the DID Reputation module

About the DID Reputation Module

When you log in, the default ReadyMode IQ module on the portal page is the DID Reputation module.

The DID Reputation module enables ReadyMode clients to check whether the phone numbers they are using to dial customers have been flagged by certain major carriers.

Flagged phone numbers may display on customers’ phones messages like “Scam”, “Scam Likely” or “Telemarketer”, etc., reducing the likelihood of them answering the call, and hence reducing the usefulness of the number.

Using the DID Reputation application, clients are able to use carrier remediation links to submit requests to clear spam flags in order to maintain the integrity of their caller IDs’ reputation.

Clients may also choose to delete, replace, or rest phone numbers.

The three major carriers monitored by ReadyMode IQ are AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon.

What Can You Do in the ReadyMode DID Module?

  • View a quick summary of flagged phone numbers over a certain time period.

  • Investigate phone numbers flagged by major carriers

  • Search for a specific phone number to check if it has been flagged

  • See how a phone number was verified and when it was last checked

  • Generate a .csv file which you can use to submit requests to carriers to clear spam flags

Gateway and Administrator Requirements

Gateway Requirements

The following criteria are required at the gateway level to enable this functionality to work. Please contact [email protected] to ensure you meet these criteria:

  • Active

  • Paying

  • Opted In

To check whether a user is active:

  1. Log in to the ReadyMode application as an Admin user.

  2. On the Dashboard page, go to the Manage section and select License Usage.

  3. All active users are listed in the Users section.


Admin User Requirements

  • Active

  • Must have Manage VOIP permission

To configure the Manage VOIP permission:

  1. Log in to ReadyMode as an Admin user.

  2. On the User Management page, in the Admin section, select your username..

  3. Go to the Inherited from "Default" section at the right side of the page.

  4. In the Communication section, make sure that Manage VOIP is checked (selected).


If you need further assistance, please contact our Technical Support team at: Email: [email protected]

Phone: 1-800-694-1049

Logging In and Logging Out

Logging In

Accessing the Login Page

There are two ways to get to the Login page:

  1. Enter the direct link in your browser:

  2. On the Apps Grid page, click on the DID Reputation icon.


Entering Credentials

To log in, enter your assigned credentials (1) - Gateway, Username and Password - correctly and then click on the Sign In button (2). All three fields are mandatory and case-sensitive.

Tip: Toggle the Eye icon to view or hide your password.

Correct-log-in image

Login Error Scenarios

The app will display an error message if you enter your credentials incorrectly, for example:

  • Entering an incorrect Gateway, Username or Password

  • Omitting one or more of the three login fields


If you need further assistance, please contact our Technical Support team at: Email: [email protected]

Phone: 1-800-694-1049

There are direct links to ReadyMode support at the bottom left of the Login page.

help- links

Logging Out

At the top right of the portal page is a link to the Settings module.

To log out, go to the Settings module (1) and then click Logout (2). You will be redirected to the

Login page.


Note: If there is no activity in the application for 24 hours, any new action in the application will automatically log you out and redirect you to the Login page.

Navigating the ReadyMode IQ portal

There are two main modules in ReadyMode IQ. They can be navigated using the Menu buttons on the left of the portal page:

  1. DID Reputation module (default)

  2. Call Cadence module

Note: You may have access to both or only one of these modules.


At the top right of the portal page is a link to the Settings module. Here you can change the default language and theme for the portal. There are also links to log out and view the ReadyMode IQ knowledge base.

Click Settings to change the language (1) and theme (2).

Below is an example where the language chosen was French, coupled with the dark theme.

Below is an example where the language chosen was English, coupled with the light theme.

DID Reputation Application Features

There are six main areas of functionality on the DID Reputation page.

  1. Search numbers function

  2. Refresh data function

  3. Summary Cards section

  4. Carriers Table section

  5. DID History section - Filters and Functions sub-section

  6. DID History section - Data Grid sub-section


Search Numbers Function

You may need to find information about a specific phone number, perhaps to follow up on a support query. You can also search for phone numbers with a particular prefix.

Note: You must enter at least three digits if you perform a partial search.

After entering a numeric search string (1), press Enter on your keyboard or click on the Refresh

button (2).


If the phone number you are looking for was not flagged or added to the database within the period you have selected, only the phone number (no data) will be displayed in the History section.

Double-click on the row to display the caller call images, to check when the number was added and to see when it was last verified. This is true for partial searches and multiple results as well.

Refresh Data Function

If you took a break from your desk, when you get back to work you can click on the Refresh

button to make sure you are viewing the latest data.


Summary Cards Section

The color-coded Summary Cards section is the fastest way for administrators to find flagged phone numbers. Summary cards act as shortcuts, providing four number filtering options that administrators are likely to use the most often.

To view the filtered numbers for a Summary Card, hover over the card and then click Filter (1).

  • ALL NUMBERS - All active numbers, regardless of carrier or flag status

  • CLEAN - Numbers that have NOT been flagged. At the top right of the CLEAN Summary Card the percentage of CLEAN numbers (2) against ALL NUMBERS is displayed

  • FLAGGED BY SOME - Numbers that have been flagged by one or two major carriers

  • FLAGGED BY ALL - Numbers that have been flagged by all three major carriers

Note: When you click on a Summary Card, numbers that do not have DID Reputation data will also be listed in the History section.


The results are displayed in the Data Grid sub-section (1) in the DID History section. .

At the top of the History section is the Filters and Functions sub-section (2) where you can perform more actions. .


Carriers Table Section

Based on what Summary Card they selected previously, the Carriers Table section gives administrators a summary of phone numbers flagged by the major carriers.

Hover over a Carrier tab and then click on the Filter button to view numbers flagged by a specific carrier.


The results will be displayed in the History section.

DID History Section

Filters and Functions Sub-Section

There are seven filters and functions available in the Filters and Functions sub-section that determine how and what data is displayed in the Data Grid sub-section. Using these functions, administrators can refine their data results after any quick filtering they previously performed via the Summary Cards section and Carriers section, or dive straight into creating a custom filter.

  1. Period selector – The period for which data should be dislayed

  2. DID groups filter
  3. Flagged by filter – Filter by one or multiple carriers

  4. DID numbers - Number count of DID numbers displayed in the Data Grid

  5. Move to group function- Move the DID numbers listed in the Data Grid from one group to another group

  6. Export function - Download the DID numbers listed in the Data Grid to a .csv file on your computer

  7. Display mode options – Determines how many carriers dots should be displayed. When you change the display mode, the Data Grid will automatically be updated.


Period Selector

The 7-day period for which data is displayed is defaulted to 7 days before the current date to show 7 days’ worth of data in the Data Grid. You can change the start date - in that case, 7 days of data will be displayed in the Data Grid starting from the date you selected as the start date.

To change the start date, go to the 7-day period selector in the Filters and Functions

sub-section and select either a default date of one, two, or three weeks ago (1). Or select a specific date (2). Click Apply to action the filter.

DID Groups Filter

You can display data for a specific group (1) or select one or more groups from the list of active DID Groups (2). Click Apply (3) to perform the filtering action or Reset (4) to clear all DID groups selections


Flagged By Filter

You can display all DID numbers (flagged and clean), or only those flagged either as clean or flagged. Click Apply to perform the filtering action.


If you choose to display only flagged numbers, after selecting this filter you can choose which carriers you wish to include.

For the carriers you select to include in the filter, you may also choose to display any selected

(1) or all selected (2) DID numbers.

Any selected means that DID numbers that have been flagged by any of the carriers you have checked will be displayed. For example, if you have checked two carriers and only one carrier flagged the number, the number will be displayed in the Data Grid.

All selected means that only DID numbers that have been flagged by all the carriers you have checked will be displayed. For example, if you have checked two carriers and only one carrier flagged the number, the number will NOT be displayed in the Data Grid. In this case, BOTH carriers must have flagged the number in order for it to be displayed.


DID Numbers

If you have a very long list of DID numbers displayed in the Data Grid, it is useful to be able to see at a glance how many there are.

Move to Group Function

You can move all the DID numbers filtered in the Data Grid from one DID group to another DID group.

You can search for a specific group (1) to which you want to move the numbers or select a group from the list of active groups (2). Click Move to group (3) to action the move.


Note: All numbers in the Data Group will be moved so you need to make sure your filters correctly reflect the numbers you want to move.

Export Function

Do you need to share DID number data with people who don’t have access to ReadyMode? You can download the DID numbers listed in the Data Grid to a .csv file on your computer.


You can use the .csv file to submit requests to carriers that a particular phone number should not be flagged or cleaned.


Display Mode Options

How many carrier dots are displayed for each phone number in the Data Grid depends on which display mode has been selected: one or three dots. The Data Grid will be updated automatically.


Data Grid Sub-Section


After you select a Summary Card, perform a search or select a filter, the results will be displayed in the Data Grid sub-section.

How results are displayed is determined by the display mode selected in theFilters and Functions sub-section.

There are four columns in the Data Grid: Status (1), Group Name, Phone Number (3) and Date (4):

  • Status – Status of the number, i.e. flagged or clean

  • Phone Number – Incoming phone number

  • Group Name – Group to which the number belongs

  • Date – Data will always be displayed for a 7-day period. The default period is today's date minus seven days. The start date for this period can be modified in the Filters and Functions sub-section. In the Date column are carriers dots (4) that provide information about which major carriers flagged a phone number.

Tip: Hover your cursor over the red carriers dots to see which carrier(s) have flagged a number.

data-grid -section

Data Grid Behavior

A particular combination of the flag status and grouping of carrier dots show you at a glance whether a phone number has been flagged by any or all major carriers and, if it has been, by which one(s).

You can view more details about a phone number by double-clicking on a row. This will open a dialog of caller call images and information about when a phone number was added to the database and last verified.

Carriers Dots

Where a phone number has been flagged, the carrier dots show which major carrier/s flagged it.

For administrators, usually the most important feature of the DID Reputation application is that they can see which numbers have been flagged by all major carriers.

If you have chosen three carriers dots as a display mode, you will be able to see at a glance that all major carriers have flagged a phone number because there will be three red carrier dots in the Date column for a particular day.

You can use the one-dot display mode if you only want to know if a phone number is flagged by any major carrier.

Carrier Dots


Flagged by a major carrier

Not flagged by a major carrier

One Dot

Shows whether a DID has been flagged by at least one carrier or not. If the single carriers dot is red, it means the number has been flagged by at least one carrier. If the single carriers dot is blue, it means the number has not been flagged by any of the carriers. You can hover your cursor over the dot to see the flagged status for each of the carriers. If the carriers dot is red, this feature shows you which carrier flagged the DID>.


Three Dots

Shows whether or not a number has been flagged for each of the three carriers. If one dot is red, it has been flagged by one carrier. If two dots are red, it has been flagged by two carriers.

If three dots are red, it has been flagged by three carriers. You can hover your cursor over the dots to see the flagged status for each of the carriers in the following order: AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon.


Caller Call Images

It is important for an administrator to be able to see when a phone number was last verified. You can do this by double-clicking anywhere in the Data Grid on the row for the phone number you want to check.

In the Call images dialog, you can see the date the phone number was added and the date it was checked (1). You can also see which major carrier(s) identified a phone number as a spam risk (2) and on what operating system the number was flagged, iOS or Android (2).



Click on the Help icon at the top right of the Home page to go to the ReadyMode Help Center.


Alternatively, on the Apps Grid page, click on the ReadyMode Help Center icon