Importing Leads - Step 1: Prepare a Lead File for Import

This article is Step 1 in our 5-step Guide to Importing Leads.

Read on to learn how to format your data for import!

Prepare a Lead File for Import

Before importing your Lead file, take a moment to review each of the sections below to see if your file is compatible with ReadyMode's import format. At the bottom of this article you'll find a checklist that you can use to confirm that your file is ready to go!

File Type and Name

We strongly recommend importing .CSV files, as this format is most compatible with ReadyMode and can be imported faster than other types. Note that there are multiple CSV formats - we recommend "CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv)". 

Please also make sure your file name contains only alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers). No other symbols in file names are accepted. For example, the name leadfile123.CSV is acceptable, while leadfile+123.CSV or john's_leads.CSV are not.

  • If your file is already in .CSV format and named appropriately, you can jump to the next section: 1 Lead per Row.
  • If your file is not in .CSV format, you can convert it or find alternatives in the steps below.

Saving your File as a CSV

Open your file and go to File > Save As. Choose CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv) from the drop-down menu and click Save.

Alternative File Types

ReadyMode can also accept the following file types for import:

  • .XLSX (one sheet of data only)
  • .TXT (must be tab delimited)
  • .ZIP (must contain only one .CSV or .XLSX file)
  • .TAR.GZ (must contain only one .CSV or .XLSX file)

Note: These file types are not recommended for import as they take longer to process and may produce errors if the data is formatted incorrectly. If you experience an error when importing one of these file types, please save your file as a CSV instead.

1 Lead per Row

Confirm that the data for each Lead in your spreadsheet is contained within 1 row.

  • If the data for each lead is already contained within 1 row, you can jump to the next section: Column Headers.
  • If you have data spread across multiple rows, move the data to a single row using the instructions below.

Moving Lead Data to a Single Row

First, identify the data that you need to move. In the example below, the "David Smith" Lead has 3 rows with a different phone number for each row, so we need to move the additional phone numbers to the same row.

  1. Right click on a column and choose Insert from the drop-down menu to add new columns.
  2. Copy and paste the additional data into the new columns.
  3. Right click on the extra rows and choose Delete from the drop-down menu to remove them.
  4. Write column headers for the new columns.
  5. Save your file.

Format Columns

First, check if there are any blank columns within your data set. If there are, remove them using the instructions below.

Next, ensure that all columns have headers. Column headers help you identify your columns and map them to fields in ReadyMode. Open your file and make sure that the first row of your spreadsheet is filled in with header text that describes each column.

  • If your file already has column headers, you can jump to the next section: Prepare for Field Mapping.
  • If your file does not contain column headers, you can add them easily using the instructions below.

Removing Column Headers

Right click on the column you wish to remove and choose Delete from the drop-down menu.

Adding Column Headers

Right click on the first row of your spreadsheet and choose Insert from the drop-down menu. You can now enter your column headers and Save your file.

Prepare for Field Mapping

When you upload your lead file using the Import Tool, your next step will be to map each of the column headers with ReadyMode's fields. This will tell the system how you want the data for your leads to be stored in your CRM.


Some fields have special functionality which is important to be aware of when importing data into these fields, as the field you select may affect how your system functions.

List of Standard Fields

ReadyMode comes with a set of Standard Fields that are available to map your columns to. You will have the option of creating additional Custom Fields if you need to store additional data.

Field NameRequired?Example data
First NameNoJohn
Last NameNoSmith
AddressNo1234 Main Street, Apt #101
Zip CodeNo19121
Phone NumberYes(555) 555-1234
Alt. PhoneNo(555) 555-4321
EmailNo[email protected]

Phone Number Fields

When mapping Phone Numbers, you'll see several options available in the drop-down menu. Each of these options has a different dialing behavior. Choose an option based on how you would like your leads to be dialed.

OptionDialing Behavior
Phone NumberThis is the only field that can be dialed by the AI Dialer. It can also be dialed manually.
Any PhoneIf you have multiple phone numbers for the same lead and wish to call all of them, map all phone numbers to this column. The system will put the first phone number into the Phone Number field and create additional fields (e.g. Ph#2, Ph#3, Ph#4, etc.) to store the additional numbers as needed.

Note: Calling multiple phone numbers for the same lead requires the Skip Tracer App.
Alt. PhoneThis field can only be dialed manually.
New Phone/Fax fieldThis field can only be dialed manually.

Option 1: Single Number

If you have a single phone number column per lead, map it to the Phone Number field.

Option 2: Multiple Numbers, Dial Any

If you have multiple phone number columns per lead and wish to dial any number, you can map all columns to the Any Phone field.

This is the best option to use if you don't have consistent phone data for each lead, as it will ensure that Phone Number field is always filled in.

Note: Only the first number in the Phone Number field will be dialed, unless you have the Skip Tracer App.

Option 3: Multiple Numbers, Dial All

If you have multiple phone number columns per lead and wish to dial all of them, map all columns to the Any Phone field.

Note: Dialing multiple phone numbers per lead also requires the Skip Tracer App.

Option 4: Multiple Numbers, Dial Primary

If you have multiple phone number columns per lead and wish to dial only the primary number, map the primary number to the Phone Number field. Other numbers can be mapped to the Alt. Phone field.

Name Fields

If your file has names stored in a single Full Name column instead of separated into a First Name and Last Name columns, you can map this to either the First Name or Last Name column. ReadyMode will then parse these into First Name and Last Name during the import process.

Mapping Multiple Columns to a Single Field

If you have data in multiple columns in your file and want it to be stored in a single field in ReadyMode, you can map both columns of data to the same field. ReadyMode will import both sets of data into the same field and separate the data with a comma.

Note: Mapping multiple columns to a single field should not be done for phone numbers or email addresses, as this may prevent ReadyMode from being able to use this data to make calls or send emails.

In the example below, our file has Address 1 and Address 2 in separate columns:

We then mapped the Address 1 and 2 columns to the same Address Field:

After import, the data for Address 1 and Address 2 appears together in the Address Field, separated by a comma.

File Preparation Checklist

Now that you've prepared your file, it should meet this criteria:

  1. File Type is .CSV and File Name contains only alphanumeric characters.
  2. File has 1 Lead per Row.
  3. Columns have headers, and blank columns have been removed.
  4. File is Prepared for Field Mapping.

If so, you're ready for Step 2: Upload a Lead File for Import.

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